Monday, March 30, 2009

Interesting things at the fair . . .

This is an old SINGER that has been re-engineered into a scroll saw! Isn't that cool?!

And this portrait of Abraham Lincoln, was made by a 14 year old boy! He used 3002 pennies, and it weighs 75 lbs.
The cool things you see at County Fairs!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where does the time go?

My DD turned 18 on Monday. I'm still in a bit of shock.

Where does the time go? I swear it wasn't but last year she was talking about being "old enough to drive soon".

About a year before that, she was excited about being a teenager soon...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's FAIR time in SWFL!

Did some demo time at the local Sarasota County fair this past week, with some of the ladies from my local weaving and spinning guild.

DD came and did some knitting too (between walkabouts and cotton candy runs!) She even brought a friend one day to knit with her.

I love doing demos! I really enjoy explaining to people who show interest in the wheels or the yarn.

I was there, honest. Just not in any of the pictures because I took them all.