Friday, February 20, 2009

Latest Project

This is the first half of an afghan I am making for one of my nieces. She wants to do her new place in "Old Americana". I couldn't resist. When I was there over the summer she sweet talked me...

"Aunt Tammy... I still have the baby blanket that you made for me... (big smile, fluttering eyes) I would LOVE a full size afghan." How can you resist that?!

Anyhow, this is the most recent picture I have taken. I am almost done, having added three and a half more stripes. I still have to crochet the stars and sew them on too. Am thinking I will only do thirteen. More authentic "Americana". I am quite pleased with it so far.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! It's fantastic that you niece appreciates your knitting so much.
