These are some of the ladies that I knit with on Tuesday nights. (The fun ones!)
Monica, and Adele are part of the local chapter of 'Linus Blankets' where they met Netta (on the other side of me) and Netta met Donna on Ravelry (where she also met me) and they all started coming to my Tuesday night crafting at BAM (Books A Million).
Netta used to live in the Fort Lauderdale area, where she used to knit with most of these other ladies . . . . The Sweet Stitchin' Betties. (That's us, mostly to the right) We all met up at Gabriella's yarn shop in Naples, FL. Seventeen of us!
We had a fantastic time, and Gabriella gave us all a 20% discount. She was a very friendly, helpful shop owner.
If I find myself in Naples, (it's 1 1/2 hours south of home) this is the shop I will go to. We went to another shop after lunch . . . let's just say she didn't go out of her way for us. She balked at the request of matching the 20% off discount, and she even charges for bags! Can you imagine?
That sounds like the most fun to do with yarn and yarn buddies. Phooey on the lady who wouldn't match the discount.