Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pretty, but Practical

DD and I went on a field trip last week, with our home school group, to a place called "Bisque It".

They have various pieces of bisque to choose from, that you paint anyway you want. DD chose a fairy and I painted a jar.

Yes, I said a jar. No cute animals, no teapots or serving platters, but a jar. I have seen all those "Shoe Fund" and "Mad Money" jars for ages, and always thought that I wanted one. But I've never found one that called out to me . . . So I made one! :)

Can you guess from the lid what kind of jar I designed?

Yep! I now have an official spot for my "Yarn Fund" to be saved! ;)

First I painted the whole thing with a white, speckled paint. Painted the background for the words in a burgundy shade, then I stenciled the back with shells and seaweed and painted them in - I love it! It is so me!

(Some of the pictures are a little yellow looking, sorry - evening lighting)


  1. Way Cool Tammy!!! Now, get money in it to make it feel loved. Really cute, and cute idea. Oh, Colleen and I went to lunch, flashed socks and yarns, and ate.

  2. Incredibly cute...and yes, it is so you! I want to make one, to save for my car.
