Monday, June 8, 2009

Entry for August 08, 2007

We went to see the new baby the weekend of the 28th, and this is a picture of me holding her and tickling her chin - trying to get her to smile. It worked a couple of times, but DD couldn't snap the picture quick enough! She is so cute!

Her Daddy mentioned that the little hats she got from the hospital are way to big for her little head (I think that was a hint!), so I of course went home and knocked one out for her. I am going to finish 2 or 3 more before I get back to her blankie. ( I figure she got 2 hand knit blankies already, so she can wait a little while for mine - after all, it is summer in SW Florida! But with the a/c running, she could use a couple of hats that fit proper! )

Have had a few weeks of pretty intense pain, and haven't felt much like blogging. But today is a good day, so here I am!

Hope you are all well.

1 comment:

  1. Bobbi: When are you having your surgery? I miss seeing you online and I hope you will be feeling outstandingly well soon. I don't know if you saved the HP book to read in the hospital or not, but it might be less fun to try to knit lying down. Best to you, have Daughter keep up her blog so we know what is going on. Hope hubby is cooking and cleaning :)
    Friday August 10, 2007

    LDSVenus: What a beautiful little girl!!! :) Let us know about the surgery. :( Sorry you are in such pain.
    Friday August 10, 2007

    Joansie: She is so beautiful! How fortunate you are to have her in your life.
    Friday August 10, 2007

    麗MºñFluerEyes: hi tammy, u hv a beauty 4 a daughter.
    Sunday August 12, 2007
