Sunday, June 7, 2009

July 10, 2007

I've been distracted with doctors appointments lately, but have been trying to read blog posts even though I haven't been writing. I've been in a lot of pain the last year, and seeing one doctor after the other to try and determine what 's happening. I have had female problems forever, and was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) about 6 years ago - after twenty some odd years of unexplained pains. Well, this pain is different and I have seen a gastro doc, a urologist and back to my GYN within this last year- with a few stops at my family doc in between each. The latest diagnosis is fibroids. Looks like I'm in line for a hysterectomy next month. YAY. ("Big Sigh")

Anyhow . . . I have made a lot of progress on the baby blanket, but the shower is this Saturday, and I'm not sure I'll be done before then. I kept thinking I had LOTS of time - the baby isn't due until the end of August. I forgot about a baby shower. I may be getting her a separate gift for the shower, and give her the blanket after the baby comes. I'll see how far I get in the next few days.

The second meeting of my "new" knitting group is tonight, I hope we have a better turnout. Cross your fingers! I'll let y'all know.

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl: 'Bout time you posted Hope you're feeling better today, hon. Love ya, Cheryl
    Tuesday July 10, 2007

    HAPPYT: I hate to hear that you are in pain. I had to have a hysterectomy about 4 or 5 years ago because I had fibroids but I did not have any problems with my ovaries so I got to keep them. I have not missed having a period because from the very first one I ever had until the last always long and painful. My period was trying to come on the very day I had my surgery and it had just been on less than 2 weeks before the surgery. If you have as great a dr as I did you will feel better in a matter of days and by the next month when you don't have the pain of a period and the bleeding you will want to through a party. Take care of your self and I hope you have a great rest of the week. I hope you get the afghan done on time.
    Tuesday July 10, 2007

    The Gothic L: I have Very bad PCOS, So I know what you mean. Mine has made me gain alot of weight, so they say I am a risk. So they won't do a hysterectomy on me. So I am glad they are letting you have one. Good luck!!!! And hope you recover soon!!!!
    Tuesday July 10, 2007

    Dilys S: So sorry you've not been well. I was wondering where you'd gone; now I know. I'm glad there seems to be a resolution in sight, and I hope the surgery will solve a lot of issues. Please keep us posted!! By the way, the blanket looks lovely, and I like your idea of a small gift for the shower, which will take the pressure off of finishing the blanket by Saturday.
    Tuesday July 10, 2007

    Joansie: Sorry you are not feeling well! The upside is that you may have plenty of "knitting time" during your recovery from surgery. Love the blanket! Is that "feather and fan"?
    Wednesday July 11, 2007

    Bobbi: Tammy I am so sorry to hear you are getting more pain than good days. I was wondering why I never saw you online or even updating your blog. As much as a hysterectomy is serious surgery, I would say what Tee did, it should clear so many things up for you. Your afghan looks great, and yes, a small shower gift will be a good idea, and the completion of the afghan will be on time for the birth of the baby. I miss you and wish you the very best of health.
    Wednesday July 11, 2007

    LDSVenus: Sorry that you aren't feeling well, I had a hysterectomy when I was 40, and aside from going through the change way early and all the wonderful things that accompany that, it was a good thing. That blanket is coming along nicely, it is very pretty, I'm anxious to see it blocked before you give it away. I know she wont mind waiting when she sees how beautiful it is :).
    Wednesday July 11, 2007

    Grandma Nana: So sorry to hear about your health issues. I understand the pain you are feeling. I had a hysterectomy at 22 for many of the same reasons you have. I agree with Tee, in that once the surgery is over, you will feel great. I will keep you in my thoughts. I love the baby blanket. The colors are so soothing.
    Thursday July 12, 2007

    Colleen: Hi Tammie Love the blanket looks like feather and fan and the colour is so striking. Hope you are all doing well.
    Colleen Southern
    Sunday July 29, 2007
