Thursday, June 4, 2009

Entry for May 23, 2007

Well, I guess I should pay closer attention. I just realized I got tagged a few days ago by Michelle.

Soooooo, here we go. . . .
Here are the rules and my answers.

Getting To Know You!

The rules:
~ List 7 random things about yourself
~ Tag 7 others
~ Direct them to your site to get the rules.

7 random things about me that you don’t already know, unless you are related to me or spent more than an hour with me yappin' in your ear!

1.) I am married to a US Navy man. He spent 20 years serving our country and I did 16 of those with him.

2.) During those 16 years, I spent 9 of them being an Ombudsman for the various commands we served (a liaison between the families and the big wigs) and one year as the president of the Enlisted Spouse Club.

3.) I was president of the ESC while we were in Gaeta Italy! What a BEAUTIFUL place! We even talked of retiring there when he got out. We chose Florida instead, because my mother in law gave us a HUGE guilt trip. "BIG SIGH". Oh, well. (something about taking her 1st grandchild 6000 miles away, yada yada)

4.) 4.) While in Italy, I was asked out for coffee by a gorgeous Italian who looked EXACTLY like George Clooney! "BIG SIGH" Didn't go. How come stuff like that didn't happen when I was single!

5.) 5.) I went to cosmetology school in 1992; at Mr. David's School of Cosmetology in Flint, Michigan. I've always loved doing hair and makeup, since I was a kid. I want to renew my license one of these days.

6.) 6.) DH and I plan to one day own our own business. Haven't made up our minds if it will be a yarn shop or a Salon yet though.

7.) 7.) I lost my best friend, my mom, to lung cancer 16 years ago today. Two months to the day after my DD was born. Rough year. Many rough years since then. Especially in May (mom's birthday, mother's day, then the anniversary of her death) "VERY BIG SIGH"

I have tagged : Cheryl J, Amber M, Colleen, Stephanie, Dilys S, Rachelf, and Tambro

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